This series is focused on cultivating balance in the hips and pelvis. With a nuanced approach that goes well beyond the outdated notion that what hips require to feel good is endless opening or passive stretching. The aim of this series is to help establish a well rounded range of movement and to highlight how the hips relate to moving well on and off the mat.
Present Strength, Active Extension
Build strength and presence with active hip extension, stabilizing the pelvis, supporting the SI joints and low back space.
Outer Hips & Labor Prep
This sequence mostly addresses the outer hips. It makes mine feel fantastic!
All Around the Hips
Quick Hips
This efficient sequence addresses the entire hip joint. Note this is a prenatal friendly sequence but appropriate for anyone with hips and a pelvis :)
Inner thigh length & space
Ode to Glute Medius
Adductor & Pelvic Floor Release
This class includes true self massage; using your own feet to massage your pelvic floor/ using your sit bones to massage your feet. Good for releasing tension as well as mobilizing your hips.
Hinging from Height
props: blocks
Glutes & Pelvic Floor
props: two blocks
Letting the limbs lead in supta p
prop used: strap
Chair Quickie for Hips
Gentle hips & pelvis
A mellow floor based sequence for the inner thighs and pelvic floor.
Block as a boundary
Could be a stand alone quick practice or prep for a longer one. This class explores the relationship of the ball mounds of the feet and hips using a block.
Adductors, psoas, pelvis, spine
Hips at the wall
Internal Rotation Emphasis
Ungrip the hips with external rotation
Settled sockets & happy hamstrings
Quads & Hamstrings
Inner Thighs
Supta P Variations